My Maze
I walk down this winding path,
Giant stone walls closing in,
No, not here!
I can’t be trapped here…
A maze.
Panic sets in,
Desperately searching for a way out,
But the more I run,
The closer these walls become.
I feel like a clam trapped in its shell,
Struggling to breathe,
To escape…
Yet, as I tread along these walls,
The images on their edges grow clearer.
I realize this maze is more than it seems.
It isn’t a maze at all—
It’s the pathway of my life.
In those moments when I want to quit,
The walls close in,
In the moments when life is good,
The path widens,
Space to dance with joyous bliss.
I stop panicking,
Slow my pace.
Why rush to the end?
Even in the claustrophobic moments,
I embrace every aspect.
In those times of total encasement,
When the walls press in as if they might crumble,
I’m enclosed, alone.
Just me, myself, and I.
I learn who I am as an individual,
Learn to love myself for me.
In those times when my walls open wide,
And I have room to dance,
I invite others to dance by my side,
Trusting enough to let them into my domain,
Inside my walls,
My maze,
My life.
My maze has its twists and turns,
Moments when I hit a dead end,
Moments when I must retrace my steps,
Moments when I have to choose which way to go.
But every turn teaches me a lesson,
Paints a new portrait on the wall’s edge—
Some beautiful,
Some horrendously hideous.
Yet, I’ve learned to love every minute of it.